Attila Mokos is a permanent member and primary actor at the Jókai Theatre Company in Komárno. He has appeared in such films as: Prípad na vidieku (A Country Case) by S. Párnický, Krajinka (A Country) by M. Šulík, Kruté radosti (Cruel Pleasures) by J. Nvota, Démoni (Demons) by R. Šveda, Nedodržaný sľub (Broken Promise) by J. Chlumský and the currently in-development Slovak-Hungarian movie Marhuľový ostrov (Apricot Island) by P. Bebjak. He received an IGRIC award from the Literary Fund for best actor in a main role in the student film Ďalšie dejstvo – Következö felvonás (Another Act) by Marián Prikler.
In the film Soul at Peace Attila Mokos plays the main character Tóno Pánik, who comes home after five years in prison.

Slovak actor Roman Luknár has been living in Madrid since 1991. As a former member of the Theatre for Children and Youth in Trnava and the Astorka Korzo ’90 theatre, he is one of Slovakia’s leading film actors. He has numerous film roles on his CV not only in Slovakia, but in the Czech Republic as well, including: Kára plná bolesti (A Cart Full of Pain) by S. Párnický, Štek (The Supporting Act) by M. Luther, Chodník cez Dunaj (A Path across the Danube) by M. Luther, Let asfaltového holuba (Flight of the Asphalt Pigeon) by V. Balco, Vášnivý bozk (The Kiss of Passion) by M. Šindelka, Záhrada (The Garden) by M. Šulík, Duše jako kaviár (Dirty Soul) by M. Cieslar, Kráska v nesnázích (Beauty in Trouble) by J. Hřebejk, Medvídek (Teddy Bear) by J. Hřebejk, Nestyda (Shameless) by J. Hřebejk, Karamazovi (The Karamazovs) by P. Zelenka and others. He was nominated for a Czech Lion Award in the category of Best Actor in a Main Role for the role of Jakub in Záhrada (The Garden).
In Soul at Peace, Roman Luknár plays Tóno’s friend and local businessman Štefan.

While she was still a student, Slovak actress Helena Krajčiová had several acting opportunities at leading theatres in Bratislava. Currently, she appears at the Slovak National Theatre, at Nová Scéna theatre and L+S Theatre and guest stars at the HaDivadlo theatre in Brno. She holds the Talent of the Year 2004 award. Lately she is known above all for her work in the television series Ordinácia v ružovej záhrade (Doctor´s Office in the Rose Garden), Panelák (An Apartment House) and Profesionáli (Professionals).
In Soul at Peace Helena Krajčiová plays Tóno’s wife Mária.

Polish theatre and film star Robert Więckiewicz made his debut in the film Samowolka (A.W.O.L.) and has rapidly added many other titles to his list in the past few years. He appeared, for example in the following films: Psy II (Pigs 2), Ogniem i mieczem (With Fire and Sword), Vinci, Gwiezdne jaja (Dreamship Surprise), Solidarność – Solidarność, Poludnie – Pólnoc (South by North), Francuski numer (The French Trick), Odwróceni (Undercover, TV series), Świadek koronny (State’s Evidence), Grom, Jahodové víno (Strawberry Wine), Wszystko będzie dobrze (Everything will be OK), Zero, Zwerbowana miłość (Enforced Love), Lejdis and others. In addition to viewers, film critics have also taken notice of his acting talent. Thanks to this, he has already received several awards. Among the latest are Best Polish Actor 2007 at the International Film Festival in Gdansk, Best Actor at IFF Festroia Setúbal and the Orol Polish National Film Award.
In Soul at Peace, Robert Więckiewicz plays the successful entrepreneur Peter, Tóno’s friend since childhood.

Czech actor Jan Vondráček is a member of Divadlo v Dlouhé theatre in Prague. Not only has he held several unforgettable roles, but has also participated in many theatre projects as a musical composer. For best acting in a male role as Lelio in Luhár (The Liar), he received the prestigious Alfréd Radok Prize. On screen he has appeared in the following films: Návrat ztraceného ráje (Return from Paradise Lost) by V. Jasný, Sametoví vrazi (Velvet Murders) by J. Svoboda, Slnečný štát (Working Class Heroes) by M. Šulík. He has also appeared in numerous television programs and in the TV NOVA series Světla pasáže (Archway Lamps).
In Soul at Peace Jan Vondráček plays the Roman Catholic priest Marek, Tóno’s friend since childhood.

Jevgenij Libezňuk – police officer Rovniak, alias Hovniak (Shithead)
Jevgenij Libezňuk is a member of the Alexander Duchnovič Theatre in Prešov. He has appeared in the following films and television programs in minor roles: Anjel milosrdenstva (Angel of Mercy) (M. Luther), Díky za každé nové ráno (Thanks for Every New Morning) (M. Šteindler), Fragmenty z malomesta (Small Town Fragments) (P. Mikulík), Četnické humoresky (Policeman´s Humoresque)(A. Moskalyk), Želary (O. Trojan), Návrat Bocianov (Return of the Storks) (M. Repka) and Tango s komármi (Tango with Mosquitoes)(M. Luther). In the theatre he has performed outstandingly in main character roles, as illustrated by his nomination for a Dosky Award for best actor and the Jozef Króner Award for 2007 for the role of Gogol’s Chlestakov.
In Soul at Peace Jevgenij Libezňuk plays the police office Rovniak, who Tóno stubbornly calls “Hovniak (Shithead)”.

Jaromír Hanzlík – train driver Smejkal
He first appeared in the film Taková loď (A Ship like That), where he played a disobedient boy. Despite not having studied acting, he was hired by the Vinohradské Theatre (Divadlo na Vinohradech) at the age of 18 and was a star actor from the 1960s through the 1980s. He has acted in tens of films, television programs and series. He became famous through his work in such films as: Romance pro křídlovku (Romance for Bugle)(O. Vávra), Léto s kovbojem (Summer with a Cowboy) (I. Novák), Postřižiny (J. Menzel), Slavnosti sněženek (The Snowdrop Festival)(J. Menzel) and in the TV series Sanitka (The Ambulance), Nemocnice na kraji města (Hospital at the End of the City) and Cirkus Humberto, as well as My všichni školou povinní (School and Us). He ended his acting career in 1993 and lives in Bern, Switzerland.
In Soul at Peace, he appears as the Czech owner of the Čierny Hron railway – train driver Smejkal.

Juraj Nvota – Mayor
A main director at the Astorka – Korzo ’90 theatre, he has recently concentrated on directing for television and film. His TV films include: Prášky na spanie (Sleeping pills), Priateľstvá padajúceho lístia (Fallen Leaves Bonds) and Slečna Dušehojivá (Miss Lonelyhearts). In 2002 he directed Kruté radosti (Cruel Joys) and most recently the successful adaptation of the novella by Peter Pištanek, Muzika (Music). Juraj Nvota is, however, also a favorite actor for his friends who are directors. He has appeared in Dušan Hanák’s films Ružové sny (Rose Tinted Dreams), Ja milujem, ty miluješ (I Love, You Love… and Tichá radosť (Quiet Happiness) and Martin Šulík cast him in the main role in Všetko, čo mám rád (Everything I Like).
In Soul at Peace, Juraj Nvota plays the mayor of Čierny Hron.

Ľubomír Paulovič – Bučkovský
He has worked with the SNP Theatre in Martin, at the Slovak National Theatre and as artistic director of theatre at the Jozef Gregor Tajovský Theatre (DJGT) in Zvolen. In addition to acting, he directs for theatre and television. At Slovak Television (STV) he directed such films as: Maškaráda (Mascarade), Pod agátmi (Under the Acacia Trees) and Zuzka Turanová. Viewers know him best as an outstanding film and television actor in: Otec (Father), Noční jazdci (Night Riders), Pásla kone na betóne (Concrete Pastures), Hody (Feast), Lepšie je byť bohatý a zdravý ako chudobný a chorý (It´s Better to Be Wealthy and Healthy Than Poor and Ill), Peacemaker, Ako divé husi (Wild Geese), Záchranári (The Rescuers), Konečná stanica (Terminal Station) and Ticho (Silence).
In Soul at Peace, Ľubomír Paulovič plays the role of the local government official, Bučkovský.
Ľubo Roman – businessman
He has been a member of the Nová Scéna theatre, a professor at the Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts, Director of the Nová Scéna theatre and is founder of the West Theatre. Roman has been a Member of Parliament, Minister of Culture under the government of Jozef Moravčík and most recently, at the regional level, he was Chairman of the Bratislava local regional administration. At present, he is best-known as a businessperson. Nonetheless, the public sees Ľubo Roman first and foremost as an actor, who grabbed their attention as early as 1958 in a minor role in the film Dáždnik svätého Petra (St Peter´s Umbrella) (V. Pavlovič). Later, they saw him in such films as: My z deviatej A (Nine Graders) (Š. Uher), Slnko v sieti (The Sun in a Net) (Š. Uher), Stratená dolina (The Lost Lowlands) (M. Ťapák) and Hody (Feast) (A. Lettrich).
In Soul at Peace, he plays the businessman Budaj.